Mila Rodino (“Мила Родино”, translated as “Dear Motherland” or “Dear native land”) is the current national anthem of Bulgaria. It is based on the music and text of the song “Gorda Stara Planina” by Tsvetan Radoslavov, written and composed as he left to fight in the Serbo-Bulgarian War in 1885. The anthem was adopted in 1964. The text has been changed numerous times, last in 1990.
Between 1886 and 1944, the Bulgarian national anthem was Shumi Maritsa (“Шуми Марица”); from 1950 to 1964, it was Balgariyo mila, zemya na geroi (“Българийо мила, земя на герои”); in the brief period between these two, the march “Republiko nasha, zdravey” (“Републико наша, здравей!”) was used instead of an anthem.
Мила Родино
(Bulgarian Cyrillic)
(English translation)
Горда Стара планина,
до ней Дунава синей,
слънце Тракия огрява,
над Пирина пламеней.
Припев: (2 пъти)
Mила Родино,
ти си земен рай,
твойта хубост, твойта прелест,
ах, те нямат край.[1][2]
Паднаха борци безчет,
за народа наш любим,
майко, дай ни мъжка сила,
пътя им да продължим.*
Gorda Stara planina,
do ney Dunava siney,
sluntse Trakiya ogryava,
nad Pirina plameney.
Refrain: (twice)
Mila Rodino,
ti si zemen ray,
tvoyta hubost, tvoyta prelest,
ah, te nyamat kray.
Padnaha bortsi bezchet,
za naroda nash lyubim,
mayko, day ni muzhka sila
putya im da prodylzhim.*
Proud Balkan Mountains,
next to it the Danube sparkles,
the sun shines over Thrace,
and blazes over Pirin.
Refrain: (twice)
Dear Motherland,
you are heaven on earth,
your beauty, your loveliness,
ah, they are boundless.
Countless fighters died,
for our beloved nation,
mother, give us manly strength
to continue their path.*